
Alexander Keith Genealogy Project

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Arthur L. Keith

Arthur L Keith wrote at least one manuscript, and some notes on the family. I just found real life copies of his book in Ft. Wayne, IN at the Allen County public Library. There are two things of interest there:

* Alexander Keith of Baltimore, MD – I think this is the book I have microfiche scans of. I’d like to see a better copy though, since mine was really dicey.

* Notes on Enoch, Cox, Keith, Larue, Chenoweth, Bean and related families.

I found the ONLY copies of these items is there, so I talked to my dad about taking a trip in November there. So begins the collecting!

This is a new beginning for Keithklan.net I need to get this together so we can really do some genealogy!! This is David Keith, 7th great grandson of Alexander Keith of Baltimore, MD, 1682, and we think originally of Edinburgh, Scotland.


  1. signs immediately posted on July 2, 2014:

    signs immediately…

    Alexander Keith Genealogy title…

  2. south dakota posted on December 2, 2018:

    south dakota…

    Alexander Keith Genealogy title…

  3. download posted on June 18, 2019:


    Alexander Keith Genealogy title…

  4. /wp-trackback.php posted on September 23, 2019:


    Alexander Keith Genealogy title…

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